
Regulations by University of Science and Technology of China for safety of international students

Date : Apr 19, 2023 Author : Wei Wei

1. These Regulations are established in accordance with the “Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens”, “Provisions for the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education” issued by the Ministry of Education, and “Regulations for Enrollment and Training of International Students by Schools and Universities” issued by the Ministry of Education, as well as the concern for the state of international students at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) for the purpose of ensuring the personal and property safety of international students at USTC, promoting their physical and mental health, and maintaining normal academic and living order on campus that are conducive to a good environment of education.

2. International students shall obey the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, State Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Aliens, and other relevant laws and rules; they shall not compromise China’s national security, disrupt its public interests or order, stay in China illegally, or interfere with its internal affairs. International students shall respect the generally-accepted Chinese code of ethics and social customs.

3. International students shall obey the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for Religious Activities of Aliens within Chinese Territory and Regulations of Religious Affairs. USTC respects the national customs and religious beliefs of international students, but does not provide venues for religious programs. International students are not allowed to propagate any religion within USTC or to hold religious gatherings, post religious propaganda material or display religious images in public places within university premises.

4. An international student shall register for residence in the city with the public security authorities within 24 hours of his/her arrival at USTC, and also go through the formalities for extended stay in this country with the assistance of the USTC Office of International Cooperation (“OIC”) within 30 days of his/her arrival at USTC. An international student shall keep his/her passport in good validity order and apply to OIC for its extension or renewal 45 business days prior to its expiration. USTC shall not be held responsible for any loss or expiration of a passport due to a student’s own neglect. An international student must leave China within the designated period of time on completion or termination of his/her study. An international student who has been expelled or ordered by USTC to terminate his/her study must complete his/her process of leaving USTC within the allowed period of time. OIC will notify the entry and exit control department of the expulsion or termination and they will confiscate the student’s alien residential certificate.

5. An international student may not engage in commercial business or hold a temporary job during his/her period of study at USTC. A student shall ask his/her school and OIC for permission to leave Hefei City (including during a holiday or vacation). USTC shall not be held responsible for any off-campus issue/problem of those who leave USTC without permission or do not return on time.

6. An international student shall comply with the regulations that are applicable to on-campus accommodations, and maintain the order and safety of the dormitory which precludes keeping any outsider for even a night. In case off-campus accommodation becomes an option, an international student shall first submit an application to OIC for approval. Then a copy of the clinched housing rental agreement with the landlord must be submitted to OIC. It is the international student’s responsibility to register his/her off-campus residence with the public security authorities. The international student shall be fully responsible for any issue/problem involving his/her off-campus accommodations.

7. International students shall obey Chinese traffic safety rules, follow the regulations of the USTC Office of Security and Campus Management when using motor vehicles on campus, and observe conventional driving etiquette such as slowing down when riding electric or regular bicycles through the university gates and at crossings inside the campus. Riding motorcycles on campus is not allowed.

8. International students shall obey relevant rules of the Chinese government and USTC when they use computer networks, and shall not log on to illegal websites or transmit harmful or false information.

9. An international student shall make a request to discontinue his/her study as soon as he/she has been diagnosed by a USTC-designated hospital as having a mental disease, epilepsy or any other serious disease that makes him/her unsuitable to continue studies. The international student shall apply for termination of study, have a guardian process necessary formalities and leave China within a week from the ending date of suspension of study due to his/her incurable disease or ailment. .

10. International students shall not engage in any activities in violation of the Regulations of Public Order Administration, including but not limited to excessive drinking, fighting, gambling, drug taking, transmitting or duplicating or selling illegal publications /audio or video materials, pyramid sales, cultic religion, and superstitious activities. An international student shall be held fully responsible for any consequence of his/her violation of the Chinese laws and regulations, USTC rules and these Regulations, including any damage to his/her own life or property.

11. In the event of a major threat or damage to human life and/or personal property, a student must report promptly to the USTC Office of Security and Campus Management, relevant school or department, and OIC, and provide assistance as necessary.

12. In the event where student safety, education and management, accident processing and determining of responsibilities are not provided for in these Regulations, relevant state laws and regulations and USTC rules shall apply.

13. These regulations shall take effect from the date of their issuance and OIC shall hold the prerogative for their interpretation.

(In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.)
