
Accommodation Regulations for International Students

Date : Apr 13, 2023 Author : Wei Wei


In order to guarantee the safety and property and to maintain good study and living conditions, all international students must comply with the following regulations:

1. 遵守学院的住宿安排。不经允许,禁止更换宿舍。入住24小时内,必须到五里河派出所进行住宿登记。

Please obey the arrangements made by Graduate School and reside in the designated dormitory. You are not allowed to change the dormitory without permission. Within 24 hours after moving in, you need register in Wu Li He police station.

2. 研究生大厦只提供在学期间住宿。毕业后留学生必须及时办理离宿手续。

The dormitories of Graduate Building are only provided for all students during study period. The students have to move out of the dormitories if graduated.

3. 禁止在宿舍内从事违法活动,如酗酒、赌博、嫖娼、吸毒、贩毒等一旦发现将受到学校严惩,情节严重者将交给公安机关处理。

Do not engage in activities against the Chinese law or school regulations in the dormitory. Otherwise you will be disciplined according to school regulations. Serious cases will be investigated by the judicial authority and those involved will be held legally responsible.

4. 禁止把宿舍转让或转租他人,禁止家属、亲戚、朋友等外来人员留宿。

Do not transfer or sublet your room or to put up others including your families, relatives or friends for the night.

5. 爱护房间内的一切公共设施及所配备的公用物品,如有丢失或损坏须赔偿。禁止私自移动、拆装家具及设施设备。

Do not damage, dismantle or rearrange the furniture or the equipment in the dormitory. Any damaged or lost property is expected to be compensated.

6. 没有厨房的宿舍内禁止烹饪,禁止使用电磁炉、电加热器等大功率电器。所有宿舍内禁止使用电热毯、吹风机、榨汁机等容易引起火灾的电器。

Do not cooking in the dormitory without a kitchen, otherwise you are not permitted to live in the dormitory anymore. Do not use various high-power electric appliances like electric cooker, electric radiator and etc. Do not use flammable articles like electric blanket and juice extractor in all dormitories.

7. 宿舍内禁止吸烟,禁止存放易燃、易爆物品和其他危险品。

Do not smoke in the dormitory. Observe the stipulations on fire prevention and take strict precautions against a fire. The regulations forbid touching the distribution case and fire-fighting equipment. Do not deposit flammable, explosive and dangerous articles in all dormitories.

8. 禁止在宿舍内私自接配电线

Do not connect the electric wire in the dormitory at your own will.

9. 禁止在墙壁、门和家具上钉钉子、写字、刻划和贴画、装饰物、挂钩等。

Do not draw, nail, scrawl, post on walls, doors and facilities in the dormitories.

10. 宿舍内禁止养宠物。

Do not raise pets in the dormitories.

11. 保持宿舍安静,不得大声喧哗,不得高声播放音乐、电视,以免影响他人的学习和休息。

Keep quiet in the dormitory. You are not allowed to engage in activities that disturb the studying or relaxation of others (e.g. dancing, making loud noise or playing music at high volume).

12. 宿舍内外保持干净整洁。禁止在走廊内存放垃圾,禁止空中抛物。垃圾袋请及时存放到相应楼层的垃圾间内。

Keep the inside and the outside of the dormitory clean and make sure that the corridor is unblocked. You are not allowed to throw articles through the window or downstairs, nor are you allowed to leave the trash in the corridor. Please throw the trash in the trash room on the corresponding floor.

13. 注意节约用水、用电,用毕时应即关闭。水费免费,住宿费和电费自理,请自行到物业办公室104房间购买,住宿费按学期在新学期首月奖学金中扣除;

Make every effort to economize on electricity and free water. Make sure that you obey the rules of electricity and water to avoid causing any danger. Please go to Room 104 on the first floor of Graduate Building for depositing the electricity fee. The accommodation fee will be deducted from your stipend at the first month of each new semester.

14. 确保个人财产安全。出门前锁好门窗,贵重物品安放妥当。

Your money and personal property should be properly protected and secured. Lock the door and the window when you go out, keep the keys, and make sure not to lend it to others.

15. 来访客人必须严格遵守来访时间凭有效证件登记后方可访问。两个小时内必须离开来访宿舍并禁止留宿。

Visiting guests must strictly observe the visiting hours (8:00-12:00 in the morning and 13:30-21:00 in the afternoon) and hand in the valid ID card for the visit. They must leave in two hours. Guests are not allowed to stay overnight in the dormitory.

16. 已申请在校外住宿的留学生不再安排校内宿舍。

The student who lives off-campus cannot apply for the dormitory of Graduate Building.


If the student lives off-campus, he must register his living address and submit the copy of rental contract and phone number to Graduate School. Sigh the safety contract of living out of the campus with Graduate School and register at Wu Li He police station in 24 hours.

17. 因毕业、结业、退学、开除、休学、转学、离境等原因离所的学生,应及时办理离所手续。

If students graduated, completed of a course of study, dropped out, dismissed, suspended, transferred to another university or leaved China, they have to go through the withdrawal formalities with Graduate School in time.

18. 研究生公寓宿舍类型如下:

Type of the dormitories of Graduate Building at IMR


Graduate Building

Personal Fee


Single dorm with the kitchen

RMB 3600/semester


Single dorm without the kitchen

RMB 1800/semester


double beds dorm without the kitchen

RMB 1000/semester


Two bedrooms apartment with the kitchen

RMB 3000/semester

Emergency call: Fire: 119 Health: 120 Security: 110
