Notice & News

Notice for pre review and blind review of thesis

Date : Nov 29, 2023 Author : Yu Yang

Based on thenew rulesof USTC and IMR, thesis prereview and blind review plans will be implemented from 2024. The details are as follows:

For thesis prereview:

1. Two blind review experts and one open review expert should be chosen and the former ones are determined by the third-party platform.

2. If all review experts agreed to the formal review submission, you also need to revise the thesis and get the approval by your supervisor before it is submitted to IMR.

3. If only one review expert disagreed to the formal review submission, you have to make substantial modifications based on the expert’s advices. After being reviewed by your supervisor and approved by the degree committeeof IMR, the thesis can be applied for pre review again.

For thesis blind review:

1. The thesis will be reviewed blindly by the platform of Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education.

2. The proportion of blind review experts is completely blind.

3. The blind review experts haven’t any information on the thesis including the author, the supervisor, acknowledgments and related research achievements, which have been concealed before thesis being submitted.

4. All students should submit their thesis for the blind review before graduation.
